Solar Fort Myers: Beware of the Door Knockers!

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Are you a Fort Myers resident or potential one and thinking of outfitting your home with solar? This blog details solar options in Fort Myers and Southwest Florida in general. We focus on Babcock Ranch, the largest solar community in the area. We offer insights about solar technology from a photovoltaic guru and established Babcock resident. 


Beware of the Door Knockers!


There is an army of the undead — dangerous zombie-like creatures roaming non-gated communities like Babcock Ranch, the first solar-powered town in the United States.

These hideous fellows knock on your door with a slick warm and fuzzy message to get you to put solar panels on your house and save a lot of money on utility bills. 

The ghastly door knockers are mostly out-of-state con men trying to rip you off with cheap solar panels and an exorbitant solar sales pitch that could cost as much as a new car. 




Protect yourself from the horrible door knockers!

Would you fork over $25,000 to over $65,000 to someone you’ve never met before because their slick sales pitch offers you an opportunity to “meet cute” with Florida’s greatest natural resource — the sun? 

Many SWFL residents have made the mistake of getting swindled by the army of cretinous door knockers.

Here are some precautions to protect yourself from solar swindlers in Fort Myers and elsewhere.

  • Avoid Door Knockers: Many SWFL residents in and outside of Babcock Ranch have succumbed to the wily charms of a persuasive salesperson only to later find regret and a bruised wallet.
  • Get Multiple Quotes: Always seek 2-3 quotes from different solar companies before making a decision. 
  • Visit the Company: If there’s no staff or office, run.
  • Beware of “Local” Companies: Some may use P.O. Boxes as their address to create a local appearance when, in reality, they might not be as local as they claim.
  • Verify Licensing and Insurance: Ensure that any company you choose holds a valid Solar Contractor License and Insurance Certificate. 

Taking these precautions will help you make a more informed decision when selecting a Fort Myers solar contractor, reducing the risk of being attacked by the wallet-hungry zombies who are ready to bleed you dry!


Need “The Real Deal” on Fort Myers Solar?

Or “The Ranch?” Contact Team John Garuti, a SWFL realty team specializing in Babcock Ranch. They give it to you straight on all matters of new construction in Babcock Ranch and have sold over 200 new construction “front doors” in one of the hottest communities in the entire United States.


Solar Options in Southwest Florida

Most living outside of Babcock Ranch can’t tap into 150 megawatts of solar power. Most are seeking free electricity, but don’t consider they still have to invest in solar equipment.


So, what can they do to go solar? 


Know your options:  


  • Outside of Babcock Ranch, the options for solar are plentiful, but residents don’t have access to Babcock’s large solar grid five miles north of the community.
  • There are some private solar farms in SWFL like a Fort Myers RV park that operate “behind the meter,” meaning that the energy they produce directly benefits their bills.
  • Utilities are investing in large-scale solar farms across Florida as it’s more economical than continually buying natural gas for power generation.


If you do decide that solar energy is the best option, here are some elements to consider:


Understand why you want to adopt this technology — some choose it because it’s environmentally correct, some because it will save them money and others because they’ll still have access to power regardless of a catastrophic act of Mother Nature like a deadly hurricane.


Understand the cost of installation — Prices vary depending on the contractor you choose and your property’s needs. We’ll detail more on this later in the post. 


Choose your insurance and contractor carefully — remember the door knockers! They will come promising a huge windfall in utility savings, leading to a bad investment and probably sketchy solar energy equipment. Also, it’s strongly advised to choose a company that offers insurance coverage at least 10 times the state minimum ($100,000).


Consider a backup generator — solar power will provide electricity as long as the sun is up, but not when there’s a storm. A backup generator is recommended during extreme weather conditions. 


Use an in-home battery package like Tesla’s Powerwall In case you decide not to use a generator and only run off the batteries if the power goes out.


There are many solar options for you and your family in SWFL. First, let’s cover solar basics.


Harnessing the Sun’s Power: Solar Technology


Solar technology represents a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. It’s a vital component in the global shift towards greener energy sources. 


At the core of solar technology are photovoltaic (PV) cells, commonly known as solar panels. 


These panels are constructed using semiconductor materials, such as silicon, which have the remarkable ability to convert sunlight directly into electricity. 


Babcock’s solar panels are monocrystalline that start out at 99.999% pure silicon ingots (essentially pure sand). They then get processed to become a solar cell for optimal electron flow.


When sunlight strikes the surface of a PV cell, it excites electrons within the material, generating an electrical current. 


This direct conversion of sunlight into electricity is a marvel of modern science and engineering.


What Are the Advantages of Going Solar in Fort Myers?


Solar energy has numerous advantages, but living in Fort Myers with solar energy can be the difference between being cut out from the world and having necessities like Wi-Fi stay active. 


You know that hurricane seasons are a menace to all Floridians, and having the necessary precautions will surely keep you and your family safe. 


The most noticeable benefit of adopting solar energy in Fort Myers is the following: 


Hurricane Proof 

Solar Fort Myers

Some solar energy panels are hurricane-hardened. The solar leads to a substation where it is transformed into voltage that the homes in the community can use.


You Protect the Environment 

Solar power generation produces no greenhouse gas emissions, making it a vital tool in mitigating climate change. It helps decrease air pollution and minimize the ecological impact of energy production.

It’s Good for Your Wallet (In Most Cases)

The potential for energy cost savings over time and the opportunity to sell excess energy back to the grid can make solar technology a financially sound investment.

Shingle All the Way

Innovations like solar shingles and transparent solar windows are expanding the possibilities for integrating solar power generation into our daily lives.


Calculate Your Solar Power in a Non-Scammy Way


Google something like “solar power Florida”. 


You will find listings for calculators that are “lead magnets” to invite annoying sales and marketing people to call and email you endlessly.


These scammy calculators are derived from a free government one that doesn’t spam you. 


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) calculator is an online tool developed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s NREL lab to estimate the energy production and financial benefits of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. 


It allows users to input location-specific data, system parameters and financial information to calculate energy generation, financial returns and payback periods for solar projects. 


The tool is highly customizable and interactive. It serves as both an educational resource and a decision-making aid for individuals, businesses and policymakers interested in renewable energy adoption. 


It continuously incorporates the latest data and is freely accessible, making it a valuable resource for assessing the feasibility and benefits of renewable energy installations.


Calculate your scam-free solar power energy adoption here 👉 NREL calculator 


Solar Panel Installation Services in Fort Myers


Go local with a licensed solar installation company that has its own employees and does not sub out to sketchy door-knocking nationwide sales or installer organizations. 

Try a company like Florida Solar Design.

Do your diligence, compare prices and visit the providers’ offices until you feel comfortable that you’re not being scammed by the walking dead looking to feast on your cash. 


Protecting You From the Vermin


Remember to contact Team John Garuti who guides you on all matters of new construction in Babcock Ranch and has sold over 200 new construction homes in the community. Interested in a home in Fort Myers, Cape Coral or elsewhere? Team John Garuti is a team of straight shooters with expertise in all of SWFL. 


Babcock Ranch: An Inspiration for Other Communities

Solar Fort Myers

Babcock Ranch has survived killer storms by design, not by accident. 


We’ve talked about solar energy and the potential benefits it brings to a community, but what about “The Ranch?”


What makes it so special? 


I talked to Mark Wilkerson, a local and professional with four decades of experience in the photovoltaics industry. He has worked to transform the Sunshine State into a pioneering force in solar energy. 


“On a sunny day, my house produced 40 kilowatt-hours of energy and consumed 36.” 

– Mark Wilkerson


Among one of the first 100 residents of the community, Mark encouraged future residents to move to Babcock Ranch to support an environmentally positive lifestyle. 


With rapid growth in the community, there’s a mix of people with different beliefs about solar energy:


  • Those who fully believe in its environmental message
  • Those who seek financial benefit
  • Those who don’t really care


If you are in the first two camps, read on.


Aiming to Safeguard a Sustainable Community


Mark also embraces Babcock Ranch Developer Syd Kitson’s vision, which emphasizes a better life for future generations. 


This pitch encompasses education, community and sustainability. 


Part of the sustainability vision requires every house to meet a minimum green building council standard.


Babcock houses were constructed to the most modern hurricane-hardened standards available at the time. The value of homes in Babcock has increased significantly, making it more expensive and possibly less accessible for new residents.


Shortly after the community’s founding in 2018, this “blueprint” was tested by Mother Nature.


The Reason Why Babcock Residents Had Minimal Damage From Hurricane Ian


In September 2022, Hurricane Ian, a Category 4 storm, caused devastation to SWFL. Sanibel Island, Fort Myers Beach and other coastal areas were devastated.


Babcock Ranch survived with minimal damage. 


Was it a miracle?




Babcock has gained popularity due to its modern infrastructure and its capability to sustain heavy damage from catastrophic weather events.


There’s no magic behind it, it’s simply the result of careful planning, location and technology. 


Here are the three reasons why Babcock Ranch persevered: 


  1. Solar Grid — In terms of electricity, Babcock Ranch has a large 150-megawatt solar farm. This grid has the capacity to power approximately 19,000 homes, the rough size of the community when fully built out. Babcock’s solar farm also has 10 megawatts of battery storage, equivalent to 40 megawatt-hours, which can provide power for several days depending on usage. The storage and solar fields in Babcock Ranch mean residents don’t need individual battery storage systems like Tesla’s Powerwall.


  1. LocationBabcock Ranch exists in a specific area that’s less susceptible to hurricanes than the coast. Located inland along Highway 31 in Southwest Florida, Babcock is positioned approximately 30 miles east from the barrier island and beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. 


  1. Construction Standards — This includes the community’s high construction standards, which made Babcock resilient against hurricanes. For example, power lines are buried in the ground. All homes at Babcock Ranch must achieve no less than a Bronze Standard of certification from the Florida Green Building Certification (FGBC).


VIDEO: Why Babcock Ranch Isn’t “Greenwashing”


A Shield Against the Scum


If you are a Fort Myers and Southwest Florida resident, hopefully this post has given you some helpful information on going solar and benefitting from Florida’s greatest natural resource. 

If you are moving to the area and need a realty team that protects your home from solar scammers and other scumbags, take a look at Team John Garuti, a SWFL team specializing in new construction in Babcock Ranch and elsewhere.



  • Many people have succumbed to the charm of persuasive sales people knocking on doors and advocating solar only to regret the hustle later.
  • Babcock Ranch is the largest solar community in Fort Myers and Southwest Florida at large.
  • Babcock Ranch has a large 150-megawatt solar grid to power the community and fortify it from hurricanes. It also has 10 megawatts of battery storage, equivalent to 40 megawatt-hours, which can provide power for several days, depending on usage.

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    Need the real deal on the true Babcock Ranch cost and how much it really costs to move into the first solar-powered town

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